
Female orgasm

Female orgasm

Don’t fake it till you make it

FYI: Both women *and* men are faking it

Female orgasm

Can you change your sexual response?

Your experiences shape a lot

Female orgasm

Sex and a glass of wine

Alcohol isn't a panacea but can help some in moderation

Female orgasm

Body image and sex

You can't be sex positive and without being body positive

Female orgasm

Why you shouldn't focus on simultaneous orgasm

Focusing on orgasm is bad enough

Female orgasm

Female orgasm

There can be a very wide range of possibilities

Female orgasm

When a man won't go down

Let's bust some myths

Female orgasm

Ouch! When sex hurts

Sex shouldn't be painful

Female orgasm

Deep tissue orgasm

For when you really want to make sexual history

Female orgasm

Sex dreams

FYI: dreams do not necessarily mean you want to do that thing in real life

Female orgasm


A destination, not a journey

Female orgasm

Is the "U-spot" a new spot?

More options for pleasure

Female orgasm

Getting wet: female lubrication

It's not as straightforward as you think

Female orgasm

Re-reading The G Spot

Your body never lies and it never forgets

Female orgasm

When intercourse hurts

There are only a few solutions

Female orgasm

Women and orgasms

Female Sexual Dysfunction and the quest for a pink Viagra

Female orgasm

Memo to women

Instead of faking it, let's talk

Female orgasm

Crying with orgasm

It doesn't matter WHAT you feel, it's how MUCH you feel

Female orgasm

What happens when women take Viagra?

Not a whole lot

Female orgasm

Maximizing female pleasure

Put your money where your mouth is

Female orgasm

How do I ask my boyfriend to make me ejaculate?

Try not to get too goal-oriented

Female orgasm

Do men like giving oral sex?

The tongue is mightier than the sword

Female orgasm

Energy orgasms

Fact: women can stimulate their genitals with their brains

Female orgasm

Sexual self-esteem

For many of us, it's much easier to give pleasure than it is to receive

Female orgasm

What men can learn about women from Karen Owens' "hit-list"

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

Female orgasm

Quick question: what's a good "number" for a girl?

ICMYI: The whole "number" thing is totally meaningless

Female orgasm

Advanced orgasm: what to do with a G-spot

You might be surprised how good it feels

Female orgasm

Is she faking it?

Ideally not, but it's not the end of the world if she is

Female orgasm

Are you cliterate?

When it comes to giving women pleasure, it pays to put in the time

Female orgasm

Why can women respond to such a wide range of stimuli?

Nobody knows, but here's a theory

Female orgasm

Real things have scratches

A body is a life

Female orgasm

Cervical mucus

An ode to the sticky

Female orgasm

What do you want?

Sometimes a wank is just a wank

Female orgasm

What women want VII know that you thought about them when they weren't there

Female orgasm

What women want VI

Making it easier for your partner

Female orgasm

What women want V

... to succumb

Female orgasm

What women want IV not have to worry about everything

Female orgasm

What women want II be wanted

Female orgasm

What women want I feel good about their bodies

Female orgasm


The cultural standards you perceive weren't made by the people you might go to bed with

Female orgasm

Your body is meant to

A human body is meant for sex

Female orgasm

Female orgasm 101

Everything you always wanted to know

Haven’t installed it yet?