Connecting through intimacy
It comes naturally, as long as you practice
Keep an eye on the long view
Always assume the other person is doing their best
Can we talk about coping skills?
Human sociosexual systems are MASSIVELY plastic
Relationships are hard, it's science
It happens to the best of us
Stop assuming
A small touch on the arm can have massive benefits
Communication is the first step
An empty nest doesn't have to equal an empty (sex) life
It helps us survive infancy and it ties us to our adult romantic partners
We don't always... and if you do there's hope
Is there an 800-pound gorilla in your bedroom?
I'm going to give it to you straight
What's sexier than anticipation?
A primer in differential desire
Learning to dance will make you a better lover and a better person
You're the one who has to take responsibility for your own jealousy
It can last about four years, give or take
More on the attachment system